“The poker game where everybody cheats “

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Spy vs Spy vs FBI

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This reporting reads like a spy thriller, though it’s hauntingly real. This is yet another thing Americans must be mindful of when choosing our leaders. I don’t see the maga crowd deploying any critical thinking skills on anything, let alone this issue.

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This post makes me realze we are lemmings running toward a fall over the cliff that leads to nuclear war and our extinction. If Trump wins, nuclear war will become increasingly likely as he openly allies with Russia. A more powerful Russia will makes demands of the EU that will be unacceptable as they would result in subjugation within a Russian Empire. Nations will resort to nuclear weapons, seeing no other way out, in the face of the Trump/Putin juggernaut. Mass suicide will be seen as better than life under monstrous foreign dictators and would bring them down as well.

And thus, greed, egotism and primitive tribal emotions will overcome reason and end our species' short period of global dominance.

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If Trump wins I’m praying (and I’m an atheist) for an extinction level event! 🫣

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He will certainlyspeed up our seemingly inevitable path to extinction, whether through nuclear war or pollution related climate change.

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After the United Nations was conceived an became a reality in NYC they should have insisted on upgrading mass transit. Unlike European cities our mass transit system is 30-40 years out of date to handle the mass influx of Diplomats and their support staff. My heart goes out to New Yorkers who must endure the traffic jams and hours wasted. Since I do not have any FBI or Intelligence communities to ask questions and get answers, I will have to rely on my vast knowledge of spy and counterintelligence novels I have read or in the movies I have watched to understand the dangers of their work. I was hoping to get a look at the lounge in the UN building to see if they've updated the interior since North by Northwest was released in the late 50s. Thank you Steve for peaking my curiosity for all things mysterious and devious of the thrilling world of espionage.

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I love it too. I used to read Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy like it was going out of style. Two of the greats!!

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I totally agree, I still love them

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Unbelievable reporting, it reads like a Spy novel or James Bond?! Thank You, fascinating 💯👍💙🇺🇲

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Reminds me of reading MAD magazine as a kid with their spy versus spy cartoons!!!

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I highly recommend watching the Netflix series Turning Point- The Bomb And The Cold War ( I am only on #4) but it it is very informative on how we got ourselves into this crazy mess (MAD). I keep a pen and notepad to write down all the interesting books by authors that speak on the history of this nuclear insanity.

These are some interesting statements from The Urantia Book on peace:

Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government

70:0:2 (783.2) On an evolutionary world, antagonisms are natural; peace is secured only by some sort of social regulative system.

Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government

70:2:21 (786.12) To discover leaders society must now turn to the conquests of peace: industry, science, and social achievement.

Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government

70:3:5 (787.5) The absence of a common language has always impeded the growth of peace groups, but money has become the universal language of modern trade.

Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government

70:5:5 (789.3) It has been hard for mankind to learn that neither peace nor war can be run by a debating society.

Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government

70:1:1 (783.4) War is the natural state and heritage of evolving man; peace is the social yardstick measuring civilization’s advancement.

Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government

70:1:4 (783.7) But there could be no such phenomenon as war until society had evolved sufficiently far to actually experience periods of peace and to sanction warlike practices.

I am sure that we will not see worldwide peace in our life times. I am of the generation that had to hide under our school desks for bomb drills. No wonder so many of us fled in the arms of psychedelic drugs in the 60s

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I chose Prime because it included the NFL & MLB games that are blacked out

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Thank you Sasha for your excellent reporting. My heart goes out to the New Yorkers during this time. May they all stay safe. You as well Sasha. Thanks for posting Steve!!

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Thank you, Sasha, for a rare bird's eye view of this event.

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