As I listened this morning, rising up in my thoughts, again , was how the hell did this man ever become President. I know all the analysis, all the commentary, but here we are with a man, I believe is mentally ill, controlling this country with his insanity. Then there are the incompetent members of the House and Senate. I ask what happened to us? We are buried in a sea of explanations, but really what happened to us? How did we come to accept a man so devoid of character and integrity as a leader? I know the history, I know of people accepting other leaders such as Trump and let’s not forget DeSantis, but I can’t get past the question.

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There’s a lesson for all here. Power & greed rot your soul. You end up with zero values, ethics or morals. One day, they will wake up and feel ashamed.

Trump will never feel remorse or sadness. He’s an empty shell trying to pump his own ego. When he passes, he will be known as the worst president in US history.

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When trump descended that elevator announcing his candidacy for president and going on to win, I knew it wasn't going to be good. I had no idea just how bad it would get. I still believe we will prevail. I can't accept any other outcome. I love my country.

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It is disappointing that CNN has not with greater moral clarity, at least thus far, exposed and described Trump's incitement of violence. Not to mention Trump's description of Alvin Bragg as a "Soros funded animal" managing to invoke an ancient anti-semitic trope and racial slur in one fell swoop. Trump's unhinged assault on the rule of law demands his unforgiving vilification in the main stream press. That is what truth demands.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

It is much easier to tear down the precious democracy than protecting it. Steve Schmidt is trying to do the impossible. You can help by subscribing to his YouTube, give it a thumb up, comment and share. Democracy is very fragile and United States of America is worth saving.

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I’m 58, and personally terrified of aging in America too! Right? This country is no respecter of age. We have health care at excessive cost, housing is outrageous, etc. It isn’t “inflation” - it’s greed. And the very people who cause this (Republicans and their billionaire owners) are the ones whipping up the fear of the Other.

I’m sorry, Drag Queens are not the cause of Global Warming. Abortion does not cause Avian Flu, which is making eggs expensive. Mexican immigrants do not make gasoline $3.59/gallon. GREED.

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There was a moment. We were teetering, frozen in that moment, a precipitously positioned seesaw that knew not its side of greater weight.

In that moment we were exposed to the sticky, rotten wad that is Trump and Trumpism, just for a moment, we could have collectively turned away, dismantled that too-far bridge, corrected course and slipped nimbly past the spectacle onto something at least resembling decency.

But, as a nation we wavered, and he inserted his noxious talons and injected amongst us a toxin that effectively normalized every brand of hate imaginable and some that aren't

In that moment, MAGA plopped its corpulent, saggy, encumbered saponified rump down upon our consciousness and claimed our soul.

Now we need autoclaving, fumigating, a Spring cleaning, an exorcism, maybe a pied piper.

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DJT is: dangerous, demented and a traitor! Drop the mic...

Anyone who has not publicly condemned DJT’s rhetoric is also cover with the DDT blanket.

Scream your innocence from the highest mountain in “truth

“ social. Flood the Twitter sphere now that a real billionaire has opened the door for your return. Give interviews proclaiming your innocence. Use all the avenues available to the ultra rich..... but you do not have the right to yell “fire” in our American theater and anyone who does not tell you to shut the hell up, will have equal amounts of blood on their hands.

So Shut the hell up about blood and destruction and tell your “followers” to not drink your poisoned kool aid. Your legacy will be discussed in the Treason section of history. Try to salvage some dignity and demonstrate your respect for the system you want to lead. This goes for every other Trumpster who is sitting on the sidelines. You are also traitors to our great democratic experience

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MAGA Republicans (a redundant description these days, I guess) are just fine with what he said. In fact, they’re probably a little bit ticked off that nothing has happened yet.

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Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful comments. The Civil War never ended. We have citizens who still have their Grievances. Trump came along, saw what the Republican Party had become, and gave these people permission to be as hateful and destructive as possible. We cannot afford to wait to bring Trump to justice. Every day counts.

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Do you remember when Khrushchev said Russia would eventually destroy America without firing a shot? Well, just loom around at all this! It seems that we’re in the process of imploding unless American citizens wake up to the fact that we’re allowing tyrants like Trump to even exist! Gullibility is at an all time high!

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The GOP is not interested in stopping tRUmp’s madness— they want to win by any means. And again— why can’t the DOJ move faster? Two years to build a case of insurrection against the top conspirators while they sit in Congress enabling, inciting more madness. I blame the DOJ. They have the law to fight back. Instead they’ve enabled as well.

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I know why this fiasco show continues and he is not immediately arrested for making “terrorist threats “ as anyone ELSE in this county would be is BECAUSE the show which everyone everywhere has something to say would End! And we can’t have this showing ending what would you all talk about? I Know maybe the things that actually matter to the bulk of us that care about all the OTHER issues, problems, fiascos that should be getting addressed but for this monstrosity human!

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Steve, I agree with you about the cowardice of the current GOP. What I can’t understand is why the so-called “normal” republicans who are retired and out of public life, like W and Jeb, do not condemn trump and his enablers! Are they afraid, too?

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I believe DJT is the most virulent and violence-prone RACIST and white supremacist since the likes of T.E 'Bull' Connor. Why else would he be laser focused on Alvin Bragg (animal), LaTisha James and Fani Willis (vicious, sick, horrible, racist)? He is the master of CODE language, speaking to his like minded, hateful followers, especially those whose ultimate grievance is The Lost Cause. Here is a chilling article that speaks to his deliberate choice of rally locations, today in Waco, TX and before in Tulsa, OK:


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