The Atlantic has taken the title of this newsletter to publish “A Warning” about the possibility of a second term for Donald Trump for its January/February 2024 edition. Twenty-four writers discuss what this might look like.
The Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg pondered what a tragedy and national disaster a second Trump term would bring to America. Curiously, he cited his colleague Tom Nichols’ declaration that Donald Trump had recently crossed a line of some sort that marks him officially a fascist. The truth is that Donald Trump has always been a fascist. It has been obvious for a long time.
The danger is drawing closer. Different people see it at different times. The truth is that the danger of Donald Trump has been perfectly clear for a very long time.
Vice President Dick Cheney has called Donald Trump the single most dangerous American who has ever lived. He is an enemy of the American republic and a leader of an American extremist movement that is antithetical to Americanism. He is running in a moment during which there is a desert of silence when it comes to the assertion of American values and principles with confidence, conviction and defiance against the arsonists who want to burn down the achievements of our ancestors.
What a pitiful moment we have arrived at. Here is the question at hand: how will a people weak enough to lose their political liberty ever find the strength to regain it?
The answer is clear. They won’t, but maybe their descendants will. In the meantime, get ready to resist and fight. Are you prepared to be a prisoner of conscience in Trump’s America? The great test will soon be at hand.
More of my thoughts on the possibility of Trump returning to power:
Trump gets up on stage and claims that Joe Biden and the Democrats are the fascists + communists. All the while projecting that that is who he is. And it has taken 8 years for the media to finally start calling a spade a spade. The MSM has been asleep at the wheel calling his outright lies 'untruths' or stretching the truth. That is in the same vein as Kellyanne calling Trump World 'alternative facts'.
It's either black or white in this debate. There is no grey.
And to the people who support Trump - What the hell is the matter with you people? Are you ignorant, stupid, gullible or in love with a lying old fat piece of shit. Whatever it is - wake the hell up
“Vice President Dick Cheney has called Donald Trump the single most dangerous American who has ever lived. He is an enemy of the American republic and a leader of an American extremist movement that is antithetical to Americanism.”
Wow! When the most despicable and vile person to ever exist after Kissinger, tells you the Trump is the “single most dangerous American to ever live,” then we should definitely take Cheney at his word. After all, he would know.
Prior to Trump, and even after Nixon (watergate), and Reagan (Iran/Contra), the world’s most destructive and dangerous fascist regime emerged; wielding unprecedented power never seen before in American History. The threatened the media if it printed the truth about the Iraqi intelligence. They spied on American’s. They passed the Patriot Act (unconstitutional), 2000 page document that was miraculously created and passed in two weeks. Clearly, it was sitting on a shelf just waiting for the right opportunity to eradicate American civil liberties.
They manufactured a war that cost trillions and led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s; not to mention, the torture programs, the creation of Homeland Security, which is a colossal disaster, made up of mostly military contractors, continuing to milk the American taxpayer for penny they can extract. And a group of political appointees that have to navigate a minefield, just to figure out who’s actually in charge of what!
Yes, when Cheney speaks, we all should listen. After all, it takes evil to truly know what evil is capable of....:)