You of all people have predicted the dangers and sounded the alarm early and consistently. Why assure the siphoning of votes from Joe in support of a certain loss by Phillips?

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I think you are absolutely right, and I am frightened and devastated. I’m 71, a retired clinical psychologist, and Jewish. I fear for my children. It’s still so difficult to wrap my head around this.😞

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We are responsible for our leaders, I am sickened that so many Americans would even consider person for president.

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And let us all not forget his public statement of if reelected "I will be your retribution." (Speaking to a crowd of MAGA supporters). Also he WILL open the pardon flood gates and pardon/release as many people as possible that were convicted and sent to prison for the insurrection on January 6. He is on the record as vowing to do that. We need to end this mockery of Democracy as soon as we can at the Ballot Box.

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I'm scared of all this. I don't understand how it is that Biden performs so poorly in polls. He's done a great job.

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If you guys (Americans) hadn't defunded public education and dumbed down your population beginning all those decades ago and if you hadn't thrust your version of captialism-run-amok on to the global economy, you wouldn't have such a poor, unequal populace with no critical-thinking skills, who're vomiting this atrocity on to the First World. And spreading it to the likes of my ex-blue-beret (UN Peacekeeper) country where I was fortunate enough to have been born and raised. FFS. I won't live to see how this resolves but in a few generations, I expect the pendulum will swing back. I don't always feel this way but today I do. It's been a bad news-day. From Iran to the new speaker, to everything else, it's been a day. argh.

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Scary indeed. Polls are often wrong and I do not pay attention to them. What we must do is vote BLUE...and contribute to the right candidates’ campaigns. Any other suggestions Steve?

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The polls are garbage...and have been for at least 7-8 years. They are not accurately reflecting where the American public is, on either side. Polls are like Yelp reviews or online retail comments on products now. No one comments who does not have a grudge or grievance. People go out of their way to bitch and complain but never to compliment.

I would like to ask this question: WHAT is it that President Biden has so done wrong to deserve this kind of negative polling against a twice impeached, pussy grabbing, judge confirmed rapist, 4 times indicted in four different jurisdictions, 91 count felony charged, race baiting, insurrection inspiring, constitution violating, peaceful transfer of power blocking, illiberal, anti-democratic, unAmerican MISCREANT????


Donald Trump is a CELEBRITY. Always has been. Even when he misbehaves, has done deplorably awful things, and even as a criminal defendant in several different trials, he grabs ALL the HEADLINES. WHY??? The F’ing MEDIA LOVES HIS FAT, UGLY, WHITE ASS. HE KEEPS PEOPLE GLUED TO THEIR TVs and DEVICES. That’s why. He GOBBLES UP ALL THE FRIGGING OXYGEN. ALL THE TIME. Even when he’s wrong, awful, abhorrent or embarrassing.

Hey Steve, you have worked either WITH or as a CONSULTANT/COMMENTATOR FOR the media FOR YEARS. Why not drop this waste of energy and money with Phillips, (who is polling lower than COVID and head lice) and EDUCATE the damn media of how they more than anyone are feeding the flames of fascism with their wall to wall coverage of the fat, ugly, orange dictator? They created this Frankenstein’s monster over the last 4 decades, especially the last decade which has been the most dangerous.

It is time for this monster to be forced into the arctic wilderness, banned from all of humanity, and in its exile, forced to ignite itself and die on its own funeral pyre, extinguishing its inherent evil forever. The question now is, is the media going to do its damn JOB and chase the monster it created into oblivion or just keep “reporting” to keep everyone tuned in because their ratings are so much more important than the republic itself? The media better get a goddamn grip.

Apologies for all the caps, shouting and cursing but I am so frustrated. Let’s roll up our sleeves and do some PRODUCTIVE WORK instead of shooting ourselves in the foot! The only person I know who has actually ALREADY BEATEN Donald Trump is JOSEPH R. BIDEN. NO ONE ELSE. Why can’t he do it again? It’s absurd to even discuss anything else. Not to mention he has done an amazing job. Time for political tacticians who care (like yourself) and the media to start educating the public on what a great job he’s done, don’t you think?

We are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Time to quit talking and discussing. Time to get busy.



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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023

You do realize, Steve, that those horrendous numbers in the swing states are not going to improve with a Dean Phillips primary, yes? How can you not see this? I am still stunned that you've chosen to run the Phillips campaign. Should Biden lose a year from now, you do know that you will go down in history as having done the Ralph Nader/Jill Stein poison pill thing, yes? I'm begging you, please, before my subscription lapses a month from now (NOT to be renewed), do the right thing here, change course, get your mind right (Cool Hand Luke style), and get back on the Biden bandwagon. It is the ONLY way we have to stave off a Trump victory in '24. You KNOW that . . . or you should not be in the campaign business at all. Please, Steve. Do not be an instrument in ensuring a second term for Donald Trump. We are BEGGING. . . .

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@LindyLi on Twitter/X posted on Friday the simple observation that Tuberville’s obstruction of appointments appears to be part one of a slow-motion military coup.

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I bet this made your day Steve. Bet you really liked it that it came for The NY Times. First of all I don't believe the polls right now. I am sure there are those that are not being truthful.Second of all what else can we expect with strategists like you & others constantly talking about Biden's age. Pretty much stoking the divide. Biden has been a good President, economy is good and I'll do any and everything I can to make sure he wins again.

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As an educator with a Master’s Degree and 42 years of honorable and dedicated service to the continuance of public and private education, I ask with my heart that EVERY commentator, pundit, blogger, and even You (Tribal Leaders) begin a breath of positive projections before the energy and the helplessness we see ahead overcomes our hopes! It is eating away at our faith! Your bleak predictions are weighing us down! I and the readers of your negative commentary are in need of some sunshine 🌞! Although standing in line forever doesn’t appeal to me, my knees can find a way and can “ Rise to the occasion “! I simply can NOT give my old mind, my conscious heart prayers, my years of experience, and my passion for my beloved Country to the daily “White Flagged” carrying experts who offer no solution to fight back! It’s not enough to simply warn! It’s your duty to stay with us as guides! As teachers! As voices I have listened to since the “Slime” slithered down the escalator ! Keep on writing commentary ! We love your devotion 🙏. We honor your knowledge and diversity. Please, Start to “ Accentuate The Positive “. (Illuminate ) the Positive.....we already know the Outcome .....or do we? I believe we as a nation can destroy the “Anti-Christ “. He and his liars, fools, and ignorant followers will pave their own destiny! Please, commenters ..... shine Light on Hope, We all know by now WHO HE IS ! I believed in my fellow Americans! I still do 👍

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

On the eve of Johnson coming into the center stage, Steve Schmidt pulled out Dean Phillips to compensate for the fear it portends. I am not qualified to say whether it will all be a storm in a teacup in the end. But Mike Johnson presiding this pivotal moment during a global crisis will long be remembered with great trepidation. He lacks the real intellectual capacity proven by his ideological backing of Trump. His smooth youthful appeal definitely strikes fear into the hearts of seasoned political opponents for sure. At this moment United States cannot take the side of any other but for the victory of Israel and Ukraine. No one at this hour can walk that delicate line except for the old hand Biden. As Palestinians clamor to be spared and global extremism threatened to spill over. Like Mike Johnson, Dean Phillips has the problem of young and pretty face but not much else for now. In spite of Putin’s great dirty scheme with North Korea, Iran and Chinese explosives and drones, Russia is in a perilous state of inching closer to its demise. Mike Johnson via Trumpism will mightily try to reverse that for sure. But he will first have to get pass old Joe Biden, which is not going to happen. Election 2024 will be worth the fight so long as Joe Biden is breathing and speaking. We like what we see in his heart and his head. Dean Phillips if he survives this moment who knows. It will be for the next generation to decide whether this country has done right by them when they look back at this hour.

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Those polls are garbage.

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I wonder if the Führer projected his ultimate plans so plainly.

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And yet you persist - in challenging the one person who stands between what you describe! He WILL win over trump but only if we are ALL behind him.

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