As a member of the Jewish Community, I am frightened by this language.

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And sadly, like in Hitler’s Germany, we have many rich Jews who continue to support this man. And we all know what happened to the Jews who supported Hitler, or didn’t take his threat seriously; let’s just say, it didn’t end well….:)

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Yes, sadly, you are right

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I’m Jewish too, by the way…:)

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Robert, I write in the event anyone has forgotten, when Trump was President, whenever he spoke to a Jewish organization, he referred to Netanyahu as “your Prime Minister.” Moreover, on at least one occasion, Trump had said, and I quote, “Jews had better get right with Israel before it’s too late.”

Ultimately, were Trump and his cabal ever to retake power, rather than exterminate Jewish Americans, I believe his rhetoric signals his intent to revoke Jewish American citizenship and, in keeping with Christian Zionist prophecy, to “return” Jews to Judea and Samaria.

Admittedly, the Jewish population could be an early casualty of a Trump presidency, but hardly the last.

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If yoh happen to be Jewish

Dump the Clown

Get on the right of history.!

Stop with the $$$

He’s a shumk

Vote all democrats and throw them some gelt !!

Don’t pjss off ashem

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Agreed, and I never supported the orange turd, and never will…:)

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Jews who support him believe he loves Israel.

When you're at this stage of the game, it is hard to fix stupidity.

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As a Jew I was surprised to learn there were Jews for Hitler.

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So did I, but like all humans, we vote our interests, sometimes refusing to see what’s staring us in the face.

Hey, If Trump were actually Hitler, I know Stephen Miller and some other Jews that would gladly support the guy, and even send many of us other Jews straight to the chambers…:)

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Yes....its reminiscent of what Hitler said about the Jewish populace....'All our problems are the fault of the Jews'. It also sounds like.a THREAT.. it not only the words D uses...but the tenor & cadence of his voice. He stated it in a slower way so no one could miss It..

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It is a threat

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Unfortunately that's about all he is good at. Threats. Grrrrrr.

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As well, ironically, as a challenge to replace him and his cult.

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It's more than a threat. It is the desensitization for the extreme planned action(s) to be taken against the Jews. Much more of a promise than a threat. Be afraid. Be very afraid, because it will never end with just the Jews...

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You may be right. After all, that was the initial goal of Hitler and the Nazi’s. Send the Jews to Palestine, and when they realized the Brit’s would never take them, they thought about Madagascar. However, either type of expulsion would have been a logical nightmare and too expensive to execute. Hence, the final solution.

So I wouldn’t put it past these fascist clowns to do the same, or at least try…:)

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I know. It's impossible for me to fathom the race is so close!

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What’s sooooooo upsetting is not clearly believing this is the America we grew up to love . I have contact with some blue collar workers who are mad they haven’t gotten raises that keep up with cost of livjng but I tell them prices always bounce around .I noticed 35 years ago real estate was cheap , a couple of things were attractive So I bought a couple of houses and rented them out . Also I realized the schools left a lot to desired there weren’t enough good teachers so I taught my kids as well as they attended public school. Teachers got upset because my kids got bored. They were ahead of the other kids in the class so my kids were looking out the window daydreaming they were bored. I asked the teacher to give them material that they would find interest and I was told they can’t do that so I continue to do that at home and that the kids go the way they wanted to as far as the classes come And they did OK. But then I realized what was coming out of the schools but there was good colleges in the area and both to make it started a good college and mostly went through it and did not go to profession but became intelligent. I realized I pulled the move too soon. I should’ve waited until my kids had to gone to New York schools they would have done much better . here they struggled because of the schools here don’t attract a lot of experienced teachers and they are very under paid.

I have told people that were considering moving to Florida I told them it’s great as long as they didn’t have to work or if they had business plans

I don’t understand why they expect to get a high paying job without knowledge or experience! There’s many people who think they will grow within positions and work up ladder Sone do but most will have to change where they are working in order to advance . Most companies just need to fill the workers they have and are slow to expand Best to form your own company but then they find out their limits ..

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My uncle served in the United States 3rd Army from July of 1944 to the end of the war. A long terrible slog that included the Battle of the Bulge and the liberation of Buchenwald. He died in the care of the Army at the VA Hospital in East Orange, New Jersey. Never did I dream he’d be buried in soil that is giving rise to the Nazi’s once again.

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It's ok....the people that honor your Uncles memory shall beat back the evil of fascism with a ferocity not seen since 1945....

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Yes they will!!!

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Not to mention a Black Nazi. Sick sick sick people.

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And let's not forget the Jewish Nazi Laura Looner.

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Good grief. Words fail ❤️

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And where the Hell is the outrage??? If Biden....or Kamala..or Obama had said ANYTHING LIKE this...the media would be down their throats

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It’s always “The Jews” or “The Blacks,” and in the World According To Trump, we owe everything we attained over millennia to The Donald, or Annoying One; I mean “Anointed One” from Hell!

And with Damien Thorn as his VP, what could possibly go wrong?

Have a great weekend all…:)

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I have often thought that if Christians looked at Trump objectively, they would see that he fits the biblical description of the "Anti-Christ," not a new "Messiah."

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Great piece Steve!! My favorite line: Donald Trump doesn't know anything about anything. Sick SOB just like his MAGA Nazi buddy Mark Robinson. After we defeat them in November we will have to work hard to bring everyone together and cure this sickness in our society. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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There will need to be outreach programs for those who want out of the MAGA-Cult.❤️🇺🇸💙

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Yes. Great idea Lisa.

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The King of Anti-Semites. He just gets creepier and more dangerous as we get closer to November.

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The other thing that brings me close to an aneurysm is the Jewish audience CLAPPING AND CHEERING FOR DONALD TRUMP as he lies to them and insults them! WTAF?? And will the depraved Mark Robinson REALLY LOSE in NC? He is already the sitting lieutenant governor, and the NC populace knew who he was and ELECTED HIM ANYWAY.

Will Josh Hawley, The Running Man, really lose his seat? Will Cancun Ted Cruz lose HIS? These assholes have shown their states who they are for years and have been elected ANYWAY.

There is no fucking bottom. None.

I hope we as a nation reject all of these people and not just by a little, but LANDSLIDE STYLE.

But I’m not confident it will happen.

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Exactly. These MAGA extremists have been getting rewarded at the ballot box for years There is an illness in this country.

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I believe, Hawley, Cotton, Cruz, Graham, Stefanik, Rubio and all those hanging on to Trump's coat talis, will be sent packing sooner rather than later.

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For the Jewish people who are pro Orange monster, it's about money. I'm a BLUE JEW and proud to help him lose.

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Profoundly stupid often = profoundly dangerous.

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Isn’t his daughter and her husband and children all Jewish? How do they live with themselves with this Creature??

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I fear we are all de sensitized to Trump’s garbage. No one in the history of our country gets on a stage - either in front of a group of supporters or in a policy speech to an invited audience - and just starts rifting this stream of consciousness crap. Ask yourself, you exactly is he appealing to? What does it say about his intellect that he can’t commit to a targeted policy speech on substance? He sounds like he’s running for President of the 6th grade student body. And yet, we’re told the election continues to be a toss up.

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What a raging piece of shit the insipid orange turd is, I guess it's to be expected given what we have seen for the last 8 years. He must be very very afraid of being put in prison, which is exactly where he needs to be if we are to have any semblance of justice in this country. I can't fathom how anyone with a brain can listen to his garbage and vote for him, unless they hate this country. I'm sure his "people" are looking at what all of us are seeing and must be very concerned that "Sleepy Joe" pulled a fast one on them by withdrawing from the race leaving them to face a nimble black woman who can run circles around him. All of the money in the world wouldn't be worth one second of his karma, there will most assuredly be hell to pay.

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I’ll happily take the “blame.”

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Wasn’t there someone else sometime in the last century that also blamed “the Jews” whenever something went wrong and he needed a scapegoat? Can’t think of that guy’s name…

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There is no bottom for Corrupt, depraved, Moron, MAGA Nutjob trump!

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Well Steve, just like "they" say, when we don't learn from history, it is bound to repeat itself. Trump is a twenty first century Nazi, only his victims are people of color. I pray that all of us will be at "fault" when Trump loses the election, not just the Jews who don't vote for him. That will be a judgment that I will gladly take. I also have a Jewish daughter in-law and granddaughter who will definitely NOT be voting for Trump. So bring it on Donny Boy. Do you think that Jewish woman don't want to be in control of their own bodies?

Another issue that has me VERY concerned is this voter Transparency issue, that is now starting to be reported. Anyone can challenge any person's voter registration, and then because of that, the person reported ( without any justified cause) is then forced to go into an office and prove that they are a legitimate voter, this is scary. They may not discover that they can't vote until election day. What kind of F-ing country are we now living in??????

So my question is why don't the Dems do the same reporting of any Republican voter that they know about. Just look at the yard signs and trace that person. I hope Steve discusses this issue soon and offers his advice

Turnabout is fair play correct? Fight fire with fire! We can't sit back, we can't go back!

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Donald is 4F...........not fit for service

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Yeah, 4F = For Fascism.

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He's fit for nothing. At all

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