There were so many things that could have broken Chris Christie’s Stepford wife-like adoration and commitment to his good friend Donald Trump, but none mattered — until one day one did. What could it have been that broke the proverbial straw, and unleashed a public vomit of renunciation, recrimination and condemnation at long last from the man who would dare not let his thirst for power dissuade him from doing the right thing?
Apparently Chris didn’t like the January 6 choir and video that Trump talked about with Sean Hannity in an amazingly insane moment of television.
Look, I just can't,' Christie added. 'When you have the January 6 choir at a rally and you show video of it — I just don't think that person is appropriate for the presidency.
Chris Christie has declared that, upon seeing it, he could never again support Donald Trump for president of the United States. It got me thinking. Christie was Mike Pence’s runner-up to be vice president. This means that in an alternate world Trump would have incited a mob to hang Christie. I only raise it to point out that even though Trump has tried to hang him, Mike Pence hasn’t drawn the line in the sand the way that Christie has. He’s declined to say whether he would support the man who tried to hang him should he become the 2024 GOP nominee.